Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Occupation realtor. 48 steps on the road to success Review Essay Example

The Occupation realtor. 48 steps on the road to success Review Paper Essay on The Occupation realtor. 48 steps on the road to success Perla, you began to ask questions, but there is no objection to the substance of your not one, but at the end you suddenly zavazhnichali: convinced not convinced (!)? Really, you somehow lost sight of that I did not plan to convince you we are, to put it mildly, different reference groups. But people read its good! So, the results: 1) works the one who creates surplus value, all participants in the secondary distribution, like realtors resells distributed; 2) The term earn these (essentially parasites) agents used only with ideological purpose: to hide Social CHEATING these relations over the production and distribution; 3) market relations at the Russian housing stock speculation are complementary purely subordinate character, they are entirely controlled and therefore extremely inefficient. 4) hence exorbitant prices and the accumulation of empty housing stock, the owner (and therefore the owner, the manager and the user) which remains politaristov class; 5) Compensate ineffi ciency must resale agents so-called realtors their number in particular ( piyavochki, Shrimp, razzyavochki ). 6) Modern superekonomicheskaya theory, in fact, of course, political economy, is impossible without the knowledge and application of the system of concepts, developed by K. Marx in Capital, no class analysis of the Russian society. And now try to prove at least one point that I was engaged in verbiage gave some of his illusions of the real state of affairs. And well see what the rhetoric youll get out this time. The Occupation realtor. 48 steps on the road to success Review Essay Example The Occupation realtor. 48 steps on the road to success Review Paper Essay on The Occupation realtor. 48 steps on the road to success No, of course not correct! Read a lecture on tsennobrazovaniyu? Prices are determined, first of all, the type of property: the more developed Wed-va pr-va within the framework of these relations in the average lower value of the goods of similar quality. Exorbitant housing prices the protection of the interests of the inefficient proprietor of the influence of the laws of the market and market relations by artificial means from the arsenal of non-market economy, which we act as full ownership of the state not only in the means of production and products, but also the supreme ownership of the identity of all people caught up in its territory. Market relations are here in complete subjection, and under the complete control of the supreme owner the state. At the same time the supreme officials are not personalized owners, but only corporate, that is, as the theory says, only taken together. And only with the consent and under their supervision may be the so-called the so-called real e state transactions. And there are no illusions about the so-called market should not be. Therefore, realtors small agents of our colossal bureaucratic apparatus, the so-called interests of the conductors politarnoy property (from the Greek politeya -. State), or her subordinates bourgeois ownership. And it is true that there is no crime, which would not have gone this public Realtors (mean of course sense) when prices politarizm service. A demagogy of quasi-economic writings (they are innumerable) should immediately send to where it is the place in the trash, the toilet, the authors and publishers, You Say, snake The Occupation realtor. 48 steps on the road to success Review Essay Example The Occupation realtor. 48 steps on the road to success Review Paper Essay on The Occupation realtor. 48 steps on the road to success Clearly, no luck. What is the meaning of Marxs theory of the modern economy, and not only try to explain the triple quotes, people far from markszima, but interested in understanding the true state of affairs. One of them the largest economist XX century. Wassily Leontief (1906 1999). In his article, The modern meaning of the economic theory of Karl Marx, wrote: Marx was a great connoisseur of the nature of the capitalist system If, before trying to give any explanation of economic development, one wants to know what in fact represent a return , wages, capitalist enterprise, it can get in the three volumes of Capital more realistic and qualitative information from the source than the one he could find ten consecutive editions of US census, in the village Ugine textbooks on modern economy and even, dare I say it, in the collection of works by Thorsten Veblen. Another Zbigniew Brzezinski an ardent anti-communist, to suspect that in the love of Marxism, there is no reason. But he, preferring not to fall into the illusion, wrote: Marxism is a new, very important stage in the development of the human world. Marxism is winning actively related to the external world of man over a passive, contemplative man, and at the same time the mind win over the faith Marxism puts in the first place systematically and rigorously scientific study of reality, as well as management actions arising from this study. Finally one right publicist writing, too funny this way: Neither Marx nor his theory could not foresee one thing: that at the end of the 1990s, when long ago written off, even self-indulgence liberals and leftist postmodernists, he unexpectedly be proclaimed the genius of the most wicked staroburzhuaznymi capitalists. The first signs of this quirky revaluation came in October 1997 when, in a special edition of The New Yorker Karl Marx was treated kindly as a great thinker of the future as a man capable of a lot to tell us about political corruption, monopolization, exclusion, inequality and global markets . The more I work at Wal Street, the more convinced that Marx was right, he said in an interview with the magazine, a wealthy investor. I am absolutely convinced that Marxs method perfect for the study of capitalism. Since then, the right-wing economists and journalists vied with each other in a hurry with praise. Ignoring all communist nonsense, they say, Marx was a true apostle of capitalism. (F.Uin. Karl Marx. Translated from angl.A.Yu. Shmanevskogo. M. OOO Izdatelstvo AST, 2003).

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